
Unplugged Ceremony


January 29, 2019

Hey, you wedding planning maven you!  Making your list and checking it twice, getting this wedding planning thing done!  You are killing it.

You’ve thought of everything!  The venue, the flowers, the cake, the guest list.

But, I wonder if you have thought about having an “Unplugged Ceremony.”

In this day and age, five-year-olds have cell phones.  Everyone has theirs attached to their hands and in their faces.  Have you ever wondered how that might affect your ceremony?

Picture this, you are preparing for your first kiss with your future spouse.  Your photographer is poised and ready to take the most important photo of the day – the first kiss.  As soon as the officiant gives the word, your Great Aunt Flo jumps in front of the photographer and captures her own memento of the special moment.  And your photographer is devastated. There are no do-overs. There is no “can we try that again?” All your photographer has is an image of the back of your aunt’s head…


I have seen this happen more times than I can count (although, luckily never to me personally thank goodness).  And I want to make sure this never happens to you either. Odd’s are you have spent a pretty penny on your photographer to capture Pinterest worthy images, and we’re going to make sure it happens.


I came across this concept while planning my own wedding, and while I love my phone – I don’t want it anywhere near me on my wedding day.  I want to be completely present in the moment, with all of my family and friends surrounding me. So I am opting for an “Unplugged Ceremony.”


What is an “Unplugged Ceremony?”

An unplugged ceremony is when you ask your guests to put away their phones either in a basket and the entrance to the ceremony or in their belongings.  Everyone is present in the moment with you, no phones in front of their faces. No distractions. You have put so much time and effort into planning this day, I know you want everyone to enjoy it with you.


Example of an Unplugged Ceremony Sign


How do I plan for an unplugged ceremony?


The trick, as with most things, is educating your guests early.  I would opt to make a note on the invitation or on your wedding website that you are having an unplugged ceremony and why it is important to you.


On the day of, I would have a sign that announces it at the entrance to your ceremony one more time, to ensure everyone is present on and in the moment on your big day.


What happens if people are still on their devices?

As frustrating as it may seem, try your best to let it go, and enjoy your moment!  This day is about you and your future forever, no one else.


Moral of the story, have fun and be present.  And have an absolute blast on your big day. You deserve it!

Related: Start Planning Your Wedding

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