
The Complete Guide to Brand Strategy


February 11, 2022

The Complete Guide to Brand Strategy.  Making sure that your brand strategy performs in the way you imagined takes a few important pieces. ⁠

The Complete Guide to Brand Strategy

As an expert in Conversion Focused brand and web design, I support my clients in making sure that their brand and website have all the bells and whistles it needs to make an impact! The secret to success? Highlighting what you do and who you really are.

We want those who need you to solve their problems – AKA your ideal clients – to be able to find you. Even better, we want you to stand out from the noise so that you can show up and do what you do best. In order to accomplish this, it takes tapping into who you truly are. 

See, branding is more than just pretty visuals. It’s all about taking and molding together all the things that make you, YOU. And, then presenting this to your audience in a way that fosters a strong connection. So that they can see you are the one to solve their problems. 

Sounds pretty great right? If you’re looking to learn more about brand strategy, you’ve found yourself in the right place. Read on for the complete guide.


How to develop a brand strategy


Developing the perfect brand strategy is no easy feat. This is why a brand designer puts so much emphasis on ensuring that your business is properly represented. At the forefront, developing a strong brand strategy involves looking at various components that will come together to represent you.

A great place to start is to look at your business goals. Do you have a business plan created and a business model in place? If not, this is where you should begin when developing your strategy. If you do not know where your business is heading, how can you create a brand strategy that properly represents your mission, values, and services?

Another important piece of the puzzle is your USP – AKA your Unique Selling Point. What separates you from the dozens and dozens of competitors out there? This relates back to what I mentioned above. It takes a strong, Conversion Focused design to stand out from everyone else in your industry. By honing in on your USP, you’ll be able to create a brand strategy that not only attracts the right people but increases your revenue as well.


Brand strategy vs. marketing strategy

Knowing how to develop a brand strategy is one thing. But, there’s still something else that needs to be mentioned…

When it comes to your brand strategy, it’s important to note that this is going to differ from your marketing strategy!! It’s a common misconception in the online space that your brand strategy and your marketing strategy are the same. But, they both have a different, albeit equally important, role to play.

So, allow me to clear up any misconceptions. Mainly, your marketing strategy is the way in which you convey what your brand is all about. And, your marketing strategy will pass along the messaging that is derived from your brand. To put quite simply, marketing is promotion. Meanwhile, branding is emotion. What makes marketing emotional (the thing that attracts your ideal clients), is the branding strategy behind it.

Overall, marketing is going to involve the use of specific marketing channels to properly communicate what your brand is about (aka your fun values, mission, goals, etc. that we chatted about before). 


What is an example of a branding strategy?

There are so many popular brands with notable branding strategies. But, today, let’s look at Starbucks. 

Queen, I think you would agree that they’re a pretty popular brand. And, one of the most iconic aspects of Starbucks’ branding strategy is its brand elements. Most notably, their logo. The Starbucks logo is recognized globally, with it prominently adorning Starbucks cups (disposable and reusable), as well as shown across marketing materials.

Even more, Starbucks’ brand identity and strategy are based on a relaxing and enjoyable experience; an experience that Starbucks duplicates in their global locations. Plus, Starbucks’ branding strategy is ever-evolving so they’re ensuring they keep pace with the changing times.

Do you see how branding strategy is an important piece to your overall business goals? Even better, Starbucks’ success is not a one-off phenomenon. You can also create massive success (and generate a bucket load of money) through your own brand strategy.


How I Help


Hands down, the best way to build a brand strategy that translates to all aspects of your business is to hire a Conversion Focused brand and website designer. If you’re ready to take that ride together, here are three ways we can work together to up-level your online presence:


  1. Brand Design – Get the visuals that your business deserves.  Create brand awareness and cohesiveness with everything you need to market your business. Learn more here.
  2. Brand + Web Design – Take the vision for your business and turn it into reality.  My conversion-focused branding + web design process uncovers what makes you unique and helps you use that to attract clients, book your calendar, and live a life you love. Learn about it here!
  3. Website In A Day – Done DIY-ing your website and stressing about where your next lead is coming from?  Never fear, Website in a Day is here. Learn all the details here.


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