
The BEST Web Design Platform

Website Tips

September 4, 2020

Website design is overwhelming… said everyone, always.  I taught myself to code when I was in middle school because #nerd - but looking at it from the outside in, website design is absolutely overwhelming.  HTML what?  DIV who?  ALT TEXT where?  Trust me, I get it.  That’s Why ShowIt is THE Best Website Design Platform out there!  Especially for service-based or online entrepreneurs.  I cannot wait to take you behind the scenes!

Why ShowIt is THE Best Website Platform // Alyssa Brooke Studios #smallbusiness #websitedesign #showitwebdesign

Related: Tools I use To Help My Website Convert.

In this blog, I am giving you all of the juicy details on what ShowIt is, how to use it, and why it is sooo amaze-balls.  Seriously, I’m about to knock your socks off (you may wanna slip some shoes on…)  Interested on how exactly to get started on this magical journey that is ShowIt?  Well, I’m gonna fill you in.

What is showit?

ShowIt is a website hosting and design platform all in one!  ShowIt is the first fully free form design platform of its kind.  You can literally drag and drop to create any and every design you can imagine.  The free flow design structure, and the easy to use designer make ShowIt second to none.  If you opt for the template route, swapping everything to your branding and design is easy as “click, swap, drag & drop.”  My sweet friend Megan Martin coined this term - but it really is the simplest way to describe the functionality of ShowIt.  ShowIt also integrates with WordPress for blogs, so when you start creating content for your website, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be SEO optimized to get the most out of your content.

how do I use it?

Once you sign up for an account in ShowIt, you will be placed in the web site designer.  From there you will be able to add elements, pages, site canvas, and oh so much more.  ShowIt is such an easy way to create a beautiful design in minutes, and with their library of free templates, you don’t have to start from scratch.

is it really that easy?

Yes, yes it is. Literally “click, sway, drag & drop.”

how do I get started?

Head to Showit.co to sign up for an account.  From there, just choose your template and get started!  I cannot wait to see what you create!

ShowIt really is the best design tool out there.  Sure, you’re gonna need a liiiitle bit of code to make all of the magic happen, but your designer can handle that #noproblem.  With their free templates, free domain setup and customer support, and the magic of click, swap, drag & drop - you really have no reason not to jump in and create the internet home of your dreams!

Want to know how to turn that brand new baby website into a conversion machine?  Grab my free Masterclass:  10 Things Your Website Needs to convert!

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