Top Resources for Your business

tools and freebies

Quick note, I’m an affiliate of some of the companies on this page, which means I receive a commission whenever someone makes a purchase using my code or link. This doesn’t cost you anything extra - it often will actually save you money! As an affiliate, I’m able to snag some sweet discounts. I wholeheartedly endorse these brands, and I only recommend products/services that I use in my real life and straight up ADORE. Enjoy!  

free preset

Grab the preset I use for every one of my clients to bring their images from drab to fab with one click!

free guide

This guide will give you some of my favorite tips and tricks to taking better iPhone photos.  You're using it any way, might as well look like a pro!

free ebook

This 13 page ebook will give you everything you need to plan your very own brand photoshoot no matter the photographer... (i hope its me).

Free Downloads

more things you'll be obsessed with!

The framework and action step plan gives you my exact strategy to finding and booking clients any time the inquiries slow down and i'm getting a little stressed.  It works every time.

need a new client, like, yesterday?

Thank you!

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