
How to use Trello To Plan Your Wedding


September 26, 2018

Hey there you newly engaged bride (or groom)… CONGRATS!  I am beyond happy for you and your newest life adventure.  Don’t worry, if you need a photographer I’m here for you…  In this video training, I am sharing how to use Trello to Plan Your Wedding.  Completely Free and fully customizable to your needs.

Shameless plug aside, as a newly engaged bride-to-be myself, I know how crazy it can be to plan a wedding.  So many moving parts, things to do, contracts to keep up with, OH MY!  It is a literal headache unless you’re a young Rachel Hollis Wedding Planner extraordinaire.  In that case, can you plan my wedding?

All joking aside, I have found this really amazing platform called Trello.  So many entrepreneurs are using this platform to streamline their businesses.  It has so many capabilities like adding attachments, sharing these things with your team, and consolidating to-do lists.  And I had a thought.  If this platform can streamline my business, why couldn’t my couples use this to plan their weddings?

If you’re anything like me, you have looked through every single planner, notebook, and app on the market.  They have too much fluff and not enough of the things you actually need.  Like a place to upload your timelines and contracts, and a way to share all of that with your partner.  And you can even customize them!  I mean in this day and age you can custom make your clothing, but not your wedding planning medium?  Well, my friends, there is another way!  And I am here to blaze the trail and show you how.

So without further adieu, here is how you can use Trello to plan your wedding.

I hope you enjoyed that quick how-to guide!  Remember, Trello is completely customizable to you.  Make it look exactly how you want it to, and then plan away!  Cheers!

Click here to grab your copy of the Tello wedding planner!

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