
How to Prep For Your Engagement Session


October 3, 2018

You’re engaged! CONGRATS! *insert confetti toss here* You have found Mr. Right (or Mrs.) and you are ready to take the leap into married life. Let the champagne pop and the planning begin!  This guide will give you all the tips on how to prep for your engagement session.

How to Prep For Your Engagement Session // Alyssa Brooke Photography #ashevillewedding #engagementsession

If your anything like me, photos are my favorite and most important part of any big day. I know, I know. You think I am biased, and I am. Well, not entirely but just a little bit. It’s not only because taking photos is what I do. It’s because of the photos last forever. Once the cake has been eaten, and the flowers have died, you will have those images of your special day to share with your great-grandchildren. They are quite literally your legacy!

Now that we have stepped down from my photographer’s soapbox, let’s get down to the details! And first things first – the engagement session!

All of my brides know that I offer an engagement session with my package. And the reason is two-fold:

1. You get a chance to connect with me. We have the opportunity to take our time, laugh, and talk about our lives. I think this is crucial to being an amazing photographer. I want my couples to invest in me, just as much as my business. And I want them to know that they are in good hands. I also want to get to know you and your partner as a couple. What you guys are all about, why you fell in love and things you really love to do together. Knowing these things will allow me to capture the very essence of you as a couple! In my opinion, know you allow me to create the most stunning images. We would never get the opportunity to connect like that on your wedding day with all of the hustle and bustle!

2. You learn how to be photographed! I have never worked with a couple who were trained to be models, and frankly, I prefer it that way! You have no preconceived notions about what you should be doing in front of my camera. And I get to teach you! Tips and tricks for looking your best and receiving images you are excited to share!

Now that you know the why let’s talk about how!  And by “how” I mean “How to knock your session out of the park!”

I hope that you are as excited as I am so let’s get started!

First things first, be comfortable!  Don’t wear that little-too-loose number you’ve been saving for such an occasion, but it still doesn’t fit and the fabric is uncomfortable.  Leave that baby at home for a different day!  Instead, choose something that you know you are going to love and feel comfortable in.  That sundress that you live in? YES!  Those jeans that your significant other always compliments you on?  Absolutely.  Trust me. the more comfortable you are, the better you’ll look – and feel.  Win-win!

Coordinate but don’t match.  Trying to find the same shade of navy blue in anything is going to drive you crazy, and if they are different it will be very visible in camera.  Wear complimenting colors like navy and blush, khaki and red, black and white (oh so chic).  Wearing colors that compliment each other will make for stylish and well put together photos.  Bonus:  You probably already do this without realizing it!

Bring options!  I encourage couples to bring 2-3 outfits to their session, as long as you don’t mind changing in the car! Of course, I’ll stand guard so no one peeps…  All joking aside, bringing options allows for you to have lots of variety in your images – and you will have a plethora to choose from for your save the dates, or wedding website.  Whatever your heart desires!

Get your ring cleaned!  We will be taking lots of up close and personal shots of that bling, so make sure it is shined up and looking pretty!

Think about professional hair and makeup.  I want you to look and feel your absolute best during our time together.  Having professional hair and makeup will not only make you feel like Victoria Beckham, but the artists are also pro’s at knowing how to get you camera ready.  I don’t wear a lot of makeup on a daily basis, so when I go to a session I make sure to get mine done so I know it’s perfect!  It is also an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.  Most makeup artists offer a free trial to make sure they know what you want for your big day.  You can use your engagement session to test out that makeup and be camera-ready all in one fell swoop.

Bring your furry friends!  I absolutely love it when couples ask to bring their four-legged children.  They are absolutely part of the family and should have the opportunity to be photographed with their humans.  Don’t forget to bring some treats in case we need some motivation to “sit pretty.”  I’m also a dog mom, so I love being able to love on some sweet pooches!


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