
How I Started My Business


July 30, 2017


Alyssa Brooke Photography with Vueve Clicquot, How I Started My Business

Where has this newfound passion to market myself on social media?  Why would I want to expose myself to the elements, and possibly fail…I was listening to a couple of podcasts from Rich 20 Something and Amanda Bucci.  Both of these people have made a career for themselves sharing expertise and life experience.  As I listened, I found myself envious of their lives and the drive to pursue their passions, and I know I wanted to learn How To Start My Business.

Envy.  What a useless emotion.  To envy something is to covet what someone else has, but have no drive or desire to pursue anything that could lead to your own happiness.  It was in that moment, pondering over the fact that I would never have anything that these people have, that a switch flipped.  This driving passion, this fire that overcomes doubt and succumbs to the strength and desire to succeed isn’t something unattainable.  It is, in fact, well within reach.

​I thought about all the things that go into building a business; web design, content creation, editing, marketing and I thought to myself – I am more than capable of all of those things.  So what makes me so different from them?  NOTHING.  I realized that now more than ever, we are in control of our destiny.  In the world of social media marketing and creating content that is driven by your own passions, how could you not pursue your dreams?  It is basically laid out for you on a silver platter.  It is like the universe opened up and said here you go, every skill you need to become an entrepreneur is in your repertoire.  Now go light up the world.  And that is exactly what I plan to do.

How about you?  What is holding you back?

Odds are it is internal, and a wall you have put up yourself without even realizing it.

Break it down, and find out what is behind it…

Want to learn more about my journey?  Check out this Blog Post about How I Started My Business and stepped into my power!

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