buy the bar

if you're feeling like that next level is closer than ever, and you're ready to jump in with both feet, let's do it đŸ‘‡đŸœ

yes, please

custom brand and websites for the scaling wedding pro

Transform your passion into prestige—elevate your wedding business with bespoke branding and a luxury website that sets you apart.

Investing in a tailored rebrand and a custom website is exactly the game changer you need—turning your scattered efforts into a cohesive, compelling identity that not only reflects your expertise but also opens the door to the upscale market you aim to captivate.

here's the truth...

you’ve been patching up your brand with quick fixes that don’t quite stick, hesitating to dive into a full redesign because it seems overwhelming, and trying to piece together website templates that end up feeling more mismatched than bespoke. It’s frustrating when your brand doesn’t echo the luxury you deliver, isn’t it?

let me guess...

let's make magic happen

Does this sound familiar...

You're ready to add education and workshops to your business, but imposter syndrome is holding you back, whispering doubts every time you draft that workshop outline.

You find yourself perpetually in the weeds with clients, managing minute details when you could be strategizing bigger picture moves for your brand.

Hesitating to raise your prices because you worry your current brand doesn’t scream ‘luxury’—yet you know you provide an experience worth every penny.

You're feeling trapped in the wedding weekend rat race, yearning for more free weekends but unsure how to make the shift without sacrificing income.

The thought of positioning yourself as an educator feels daunting; you're self-conscious about your expertise being under a spotlight, despite your vast experience.

upgrade your brand vibe


Let’s build a brand that reflects the true value of what you offer and opens the doors to the opportunities you deserve.

start your luxe journey here

instead of feeling overwhelmed by the everyday grind and client demands, you’re confidently planning your next big workshop. Buy The Bar redefines your brand, giving it the luxury flair that justifies those price tags you’ve been hesitant to set.

Say goodbye to the exhausting wedding weekend rat race. With your new strategic website, you can attract clients who value your expertise—and your weekends.

Feeling unsure about stepping into the education space? We’ll craft a brand that showcases your knowledge and experience, making 'imposter syndrome' a thing of the past. It's not just about a new look; it’s about a new era for your business where growth, premium pricing, and personal satisfaction align.

- Sean Szitas,
Sean Szitas Photography

i feel like the process you gave me to build the brand and website really helped me in so many ways.  i have a better understanding of and way more confidence in my business.  cannot thank you enough.

yes, it's time to shine

Ready to elevate? Only one spot opens each month—claim yours and start transforming your business today!

buy the bar

yes i'm in!

You don't need another pieced-together template; 

 you need a brand that books top-tier clients and sets the stage for your educational empire. Welcome to

buy the bar

 It's a comprehensive three-month journey where we dive deep into the core of your business, crafting a brand that's not only visually stunning but also deeply resonant with the unique voice you bring to your community.

buy the bar isn't just another branding or website design service.

Here’s why Buy The Bar stands out:

personalized deep dive

Over three months, we really get to know each other. This isn't a quick, superficial refresh. It's about understanding your ambitions, challenges, and the nuances that make your business special. This allows us to create something truly aligned with your vision and values.

Emphasis on Uniqueness and Expertise

With a keen focus on what makes you unique, your brand and website will highlight your expertise, making it clear why you're the go-to professional in your field. This strategic emphasis helps position you as an authority, attracting clients who appreciate and are willing to pay for quality and experience.

authenticity in every detail

Every element, from color palettes to typography, is chosen to reflect your personal style and professional approach, ensuring your brand feels like an extension of you—authentic, polished, and distinctive.

beyond trends

While others may rely on the latest design trends, The Business Builder focuses on timeless branding rooted in the essence of who you are and the legacy you want to create. Your brand will not only look great but also stand the test of time.

Community-Centric Design

We don’t just design for you; we design for the community and clientele you serve. By understanding the conversations you lead and the impact you have, your brand becomes a beacon for engagement and leadership in your industry.

build your own damn table

forget a seat at the table...

here's how it all works...

ready to get started?

let's get comfy

"Kickoff with a Bang!" - We start with a call to get you acquainted with my process and tools! We'll align our expectations and set the stage for your brand's transformation.

le'ts gooo


brand strategy

With your brand questionnaire in hand, I will begin researching and data mining to set the foundation for your brand strategy and visual identtiy.

i'm in!

week 1-3

brand design

Taking your strategy I will craft a visual identity that primes you to step into the next level of your business and skyrocket your clarity, your marketing efforts, and your confidence.

i need this!

week 3-6

full site development

Bringing Your Vision to Life! - Watch as your website transforms from sketches to stunning reality, with every element finely tuned.

yes please!

week 6-12

testing + launch!

Your Brand's Grand Debut! - The big reveal! Launch your brand new identity and website to the world, and watch as your business takes flight.

i'm ready!

week 13-16

  • Custom Website build on the platform that is best for your business.
  • Website strategy session & map
  • Done for You Copywriting
  • On page SEO research & Strategy
  • Legal pages  
  • Integrations of newsletters, pop ups, and forms
  • Launch Strategy & Asset Creation
  • 30 Days of Post Lunch Support , Virtual Walk-Through Site Screen Share Session
  • Brand Strategy
  • Mood Board
  • Brand Board
  • Main Logo and Sub Logos
  • All logo variations in each brand color
  • Color Pallet & Cohesive font combination 
  • Custom Illustrations
  • Brand Guidelines workbook 

Pricing starts at $10K
Payment Plan Available 

Includes the following...

Buy the bar

i'm ready!

I’m Alyssa, your brand strategist and ShowIt website designer with a heart for helping wedding professionals stand out in a saturated market.

I specialize in creating strategic, visually stunning brands and websites that not only look great but are rooted in understanding your unique business and the community you serve.

With Buy The Bar, I bring this expertise to redefine your brand, ensuring it embodies your values and elevates your market presence to attract luxury clients and enable you to expand confidently into education and coaching.

Ready to transform your brand into a beacon for your ideal clients? Let's make it happen with Buy The Bar.  I only open up one spot per month to ensure each project gets the attention it deserves—let's secure your spot today!

Cheers! I'm Alyssa,

welcome to the party

unlock your dream brand

With Buy The Bar you will...

Step into the luxury segment with a brand that reflects sophistication and excellence, attracting high-end clients who are ready to invest in top-tier services.

Seamlessly integrate additional revenue streams such as coaching, workshops, and educational content into your business model, with a brand and website designed to support and showcase these offerings.

Reduce the hours spent in the operational weeds by automating and optimizing client interactions through a strategically designed website, giving you more time to focus on what you love.

Move forward with a brand that truly represents your expertise and unique style, boosting your confidence when pitching your services and raising your prices.

Secure Your Spot Before It's Gone!

- Candace Hightower,
Mingle Events & The Barn at Honeysuckle Hill

working with alyssa was a dream.  her attention to detail and knowledge for getting clients to take action was a huge selling point for me.  i am a very busy business owner and the thought of tackling a new website was like a huge mountain I did not want to climb.  Alyssa made the process easy and she was very timely in all of her response to my questions.  the experience was awesome!


Website Design.

After approving the brand design, we develop your custom Showit website, ensuring every pixel aligns with your new brand identity.


Brand Design.

With your brand strategy as our guide, we craft a brand identity that truly represents you and appeals to your ideal clientele.


Strategy Call & Overview.

Join the next live call to dive deep into your brand strategy, setting the foundation for all that follows.



Once the website design is approved, we prepare for launch. It’s time to show the world your new brand and start attracting those dream clients!


Get Started.

Once you claim your spot, you'll receive a detailed questionnaire to help us understand your vision and goals.


the process

Kickoff Call.

Book your personal kickoff call. This is where we start transforming your dreams into reality.


Only one spot opens each month

secure yours to start this transformative journey and elevate your business to new heights.

i'm so ready!

I'm not here to give you a cookie cutter brand and website.  I'm here to walk beside you as your build your business empire.  Ready to scale?

it's not about your business now...
it's about where your going

© 2018 - 2024 |  Made with Showit | brand + site by me, obvi