
Boost Your Business Sales Online


December 10, 2021

This is the foolproof way to start boosting your business sales online:

Stop getting distracted by the next shiny thing. Especially when we both know you want to solve the problem of less than ideal clients landing in your inbox. You heard me right. I’m calling you out with love here today because the biggest trick to boosting your business sales online is focusing on one thing at a time, and doing that well. Like, SO well that you’ll be left wondering how you ever thought you could sign clients any other way.

Here’s everything that you need to know about focusing on getting more sales for your online business, with special attention given to your branding and website.


how to make business sales online

How do I get more online sales for my small business?

This is a story as old as time. You jump into your business full of excitement and are booking clients left, right, and center. But, as you continue to grow and expand, the more important aspects of your business start to fall to the wayside.  Suddenly, you’re left wondering how in the world you’re supposed to get more business sales online. Well, before we jump into some quick branding and website tips (AKA my specialty) to help you out, let me share some of my top recommendations for using the online space to get more sales for your small business.

Client testimonials for more business sales online

This is how we highlight your expertise to your ideal clients. Nothing is more important than properly placed client testimonials on your website (wink wink)! Your testimonials are going to help people trust you and show that you really do know what you’re doing in your business.

For example, if you’re a wedding photographer looking to boost business sales online, your website could highlight a glowing review of the couple whose wedding you shot. Have them provide a testimonial upon delivery of their final gallery, with prompts to mention how you made them feel during your time together (perfect for building on that emotional connection) and the outcome you provided. 

Hone in on your messaging for more business sales online

Next, your messaging is key to increasing sales through effective copy and storytelling. Honing in on your messaging is also essential when it comes to crafting a website that highlights all the good you have to offer through your services. Emotional language, as well as highlighting your audience’s pain points and desires is crucial for messaging that converts.


Add an opt-in offer for more business sales online

Whether it’s a paid or free opt-in offer, having something that prompts your audience into taking fast action (often with a discount if it is paid) is really great for boosting sales. If it is a free offer, the sale may not come immediately but later down the line. This is ok because it gives you time to nurture your audience – perhaps through a smartly crafted nurturing email sequence –  and warm them up for a sale down the line.

How do you attract customers online?

Plain and simple, the key to attracting more customers and boosting your business sales online is to create a relatable, showstopping brand. If you aren’t new around here, you’ll know that I’ve chatted about branding on multiple occasions. This is because I’m uber passionate about letting your branding speak for you and your services.

If you are new around here, be sure to check out these posts!

Branding plays a large role in not only attracting new customers online but the right kinds of customers. You certainly don’t want those negative nellies in your inbox; you know, the ones who hassle you about pricing, demand discounts, or flake when you need communication the most.

The BEST branding is branding that you focus on and get right the first time. No sweat though if this isn’t your first time around the branding block. Attracting the dreamiest customers ever starts with getting crystal clear on who you are, what you represent, and what you want to be known for as a business.

How can I increase sales on my website?

Finally, the last piece to making business sales online comes down to your website. Simplicity really is key when it comes to increasing sales. But, don’t confuse that to mean boring! Around here, we like to always achieve the balance between effortless and beautiful. One of my main goals is to provide a timeless design that reflects who you are while increasing your sales. 

Increasing sales on your website so that you can attract more customers involves a fine balance of:


  • Creating trust through testimonials (as mentioned above)
  • A clean and simple home page that directs your visitors to where they should click next and shares all about who you are
  • A place for visitors to actually buy (if it’s a physical/digital product) or where they can learn more information through a discovery call

You shouldn’t put off your website because you’re so focused on all the moving pieces of being a business owner. A website easily establishes your credibility and helps you make money on autopilot.

How to increase online sales fast (How I help)

Overall, the best way to increase your online sales fast is to ask for help. This is exactly why I’m your go-to gal if you’re looking to create a brand and web design that converts. Here are three ways that we can work together to bring your vision to life:


  1. Brand Design – Get the visuals that your business deserves.  Create brand awareness and cohesiveness with everything you need to market your business. Learn more here.
  2. Brand + Web Design – Take the vision for your business and turn it into reality.  My conversion-focused branding + web design process uncovers what makes you unique and helps you use that to attract clients, book your calendar, and live a life you love. Learn about it here!
  3. Website In A Day – Done DIY-ing your website and stressing about where your next lead is coming from?  Never fear, Website in a Day is here. Learn all the details here.


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