
7 Habits of Successful People


July 16, 2017

Desktop Flat Lay, 7 Habits of Successful People
We all have things we want to accomplish.  But what closes the gap for those that actually get from point A to point B?  Well, I am going to fill you in on 7 Habits of Successful People!  If you are interested in more productivity hacks, check out this post about using Trello to organize and plan your business!

1. Get Up Early

​Set an alarm and wake up.  There are only so many hours in the day, and If you spend what free hours you have sleeping you will never accomplish your goals.  That being said make sure you get your rest.  How do you do that?  Well, go to bed early.  Yes, we all love to stay out and hang out with friends drinking and enjoying the simple things in life.  All of that is good and well in moderation, like most things.  I can, however, promise you that the most successful people in the world have more important goals to chase than another night at the bar.  Long story short.  GO TO BED!  Clean your Sheets….  the best sleep comes from a clean bed.  Your rest will not be quality sleep if you resting in a dirty bed.  Turn off your electronics.  Put down your cell phone and turn off the TV at least 30 minutes before you need to go to sleep.  My favorite thing is to read a book.  It helps calm my mind and get me ready for rest.  If reading is not your thing, talk to your significant other about their day or snuggle with your pet.  Anything will work as long as it is not attached to a screen.  Close your eyes at your “scheduled” time.  Even if you feel as though you aren’t sleepy, just closing your eyes and relaxing will usually send you into a deep slumber.  I recommend the Calm app for sleep stories – we listen every night and it puts us right to sleep!


Alyssa Brooke Photography at Creative at Heart Round 9, 7 Habits of Successful People Blog Post

2. Make Your Bed

​After your restful night of sleep, when you get out of bed and take your morning trip to the restroom… Make Your Bed.  Making your bed is a healthy habit of all successful people.  It creates a tidy-ness in your space that takes minutes to achieve as well as making it exciting to turn down the sheets at night.  Make it every day without fail because a cluttered space is a cluttered mind, and a cluttered mind isn’t very productive.
every day without fail because a cluttered space is a cluttered mind, and a cluttered mind isn’t very productive.

3.  Create a Workspace

​A workspace is absolutely key to being a successful and driven person.  Whether it be a local coffee shop, a dedicated office, or a desk in your bedroom – make a space for you to work.  A comfortable, clean space where your wheels can turn no matter what it is you are focusing on.  Sit in a structured chair.  No soft cushy bean bags or couches.  It’s too easy to set your work down and scroll Instagram or turn on the TV and get distracted from your goals.  Keep it Clean.  No clutter, no strewn about paper and useless Knick-knacks.  I will say it again, a cluttered space is a cluttered mind.  Create your space to breed creativity in whatever form that takes.  You will be pleasantly surprised at what you accomplish

​4. Become a Master of Lists

​One of my favorite ways to feel productive and accomplished is to make lists.  Grocery lists, to-do lists, planning list – I just love lists.  Create a to-do list before bed.  Prioritize what you need to accomplish the next day and write it down (Don’t forget to make your bed!).  It is a great way to set your day up for success as well as unload your brain.  You can get all of those thoughts out on paper, and you are not letting them toss and turn in your mind keeping you from getting some quality rest.

5. Have a Routine

Create a routine for yourself.  When I wake up I make my bed first.  Then I get ready for what I am doing for the day be it hiking, gym, or a day out.  Then I check my cleaning list.  I have a list on the side of my refrigerator that breaks down cleaning tasks I need to accomplish each day so I don’t have to dedicate a whole day off to clean.  After that, I tackle whatever else is on my list.  This process keeps me productive and feeling accomplished.  I also recommend spending one day a week planning a rough draft for your week.  Of course, things will change and events will disrupt your schedule, but having it written down will help you make things fit your life better.

​6. Make Time for Important Things

​Make time for the things that matter most to you.  If it’s your friends, family, pets, or a hobby make time to do it.  You will not be fulfilled in your life and succeed in your passions if your soul is not full.  Take time for yourself, the hustle will be waiting for you when you get back.

​7.  Give Back When You Can

​The best way to put meaning behind your hustle is to give back.  Giving back comes in many forms.  It can be to volunteer at your favorite shelter or hospital, participate in your community clean-ups, or offer any services you can for free to those who cannot afford it.  When you give, the universe will give back.  One of my favorite charities is strengthinourvoices.org/  which provides a community and support for Mental Health issues.

​Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to see you implement these 7 Habits of Successful People, now go crush your goals.

​Need a little extra help?  Click here for my FREE customizable business planner!

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