Staying consistent is one of the biggest struggles around social media and marketing in general. What do I say? What do I post? How do I get my hands on content for my feed? Girl, I totally get it. That’s why I’m breaking down 3 Tips to Staying Consistent on Social Media!
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There is a saying that my girl Jasmine Star has that goes something like ‘you don’t go to the gym once a month and get a six-pack’ and that’s so true! You can’t do something once in a while and get results. It just doesn’t happen like that. Also, the algorithm favors consistency, and your audience will begin to look for your content if they know when and where to expect it.
With that in mind, let’s dive into my 3 Tips for Staying Consistent on Social Media so we can get planning and create a social media muscle that attracts clients and helps you make more money.
TIP NUMBER ONE: Create a Content Calendar
We alllll struggle with wondering what to post. And it is that much harder to come up with amazing content that will connect with your readers and make a sale on the spot. I don’t’ know about you but I can never come up with meaningful and engaging posts in the moment. It just doesn’t happen.
So, I created a plan. A Content Calendar. A guideline that helps me sit down and write all in one sitting, so I can schedule out my posts in a meaningful way. I give myself prompts to spread out my content, and theme days so I made sure I spread out my messaging. For example, Fridays are my introduction days. I use Friday posts to share fun facts about myself, a get to know me post, or just a basic introduction to new followers that may have joined throughout the week. This is a great way to keep yourself consistent, and let your audience know who you really are as a person – Do you love pizza? Hate bell peppers (ahem, me…) the options are endless and really helps ease the stress of knowing what to post.
When you sit down to create your content calendar, I suggest starting with a blank calendar and writing out your ‘Theme Days.’ What are you going to talk about on what day? Then fill in the blanks. Once you have a big picture overview of what your social media will look like, sit down, and write. I highly recommend batching your captions so you are never caught off guard, and you have the time to spell-check. Also, I am soooo slow typing on my phone. Writing out captions on my computer is so much easier.
TIP NUMBER TWO: Source Your Content
Now you may be saying ‘Alyssa, captions are great and all – but it’s an IMAGE platform, what the heck am I supposed to post?’ And to that, I have two solutions. The first, if you can swing it financially, is to invest in a branding photoshoot. A service like a brand photoshoot with your favorite photog can yield you up to three months of social media content. Yup, you heard me right – THREE MONTHS OF CONTENT. And the content isn’t just for social media, you can use these images on your website or other forms of brand collateral. It’s something I highly recommend, and if you’re looking to plan a branding photoshoot – grab my free guide to help you plan it out step by step. However, if that is not in the budget, I recommend subscribing to a stock photography service. Please don’t pull images off of Unsplash and Pexels.
Why? Two reasons, First: the odds that you will be able to create a cohesive feel from a random mash of stock images is very low. Second: They aren’t always geared toward the creative community, so you might struggle to find a free image that is portraying oils, for example, if you sell Young Living. I recommend Social Squares – the membership includes monthly trainings and a plethora of amazing stock photography. I often clean out my service subscriptions, but that is one subscription I have no plans of letting go.
I am a HUGE fan of social media scheduling tools. As someone who has a lot on my plate, I need to have my social media strategy planned out and ready to go so that I am able to post the second I have a free moment. Hell, if it does if for me – even better. I use a tool called Planoly which allows me to schedule posts, write captions, even store hashtag groups for quick additions to posts. I love the auto-post feature, because again – I have no time. Now, some Instagram experts will say auto-posting is bad for the algorithm. I have done both and I haven’t noticed any major differences. My suggestion is to test it for yourself. Try auto-posting for a week and then posting manually for a week and look at your analytics. I’m a huge fan of gathering data and letting it tell you where you should go. If you would like to try Planoly feel free to use my link! (affiliate style, in full transparency)
Now you have all the tools you need to go and conquer the social media world. I know you have the content written and the images scheduled, so sit back, relax, and watch the followers roll in!
Not really, because you have to engage and interact – but this will definitely put you on the track to posting consistently, which absolutely puts your IG in the right direction!
I hope you found these 3 Tips to Staying Consistent on Social Media super helpful, and I cannot wait to see what you create!

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